Hi and welcome to me Jayne and La Bella Chocolate and my first blog! 

My short journey so far has been hard work but exciting.  La Bella was born from

1. My love of chocolate (chocoholic)

2. My creative artistic self needing to come out!

3. Time for change.

The past year has proved challenging for all of us in the crazy pandemic that has been forced upon us! With my own work drastically reducing because of lockdown it gave me time to sit, slow down and reflect on my own life and where I wanted my professional path to go. I have always loved baking, cooking and creating treats and especially chocolate. Having more time at home allowed me to experiment and spend time making chocolate treats for family and close friends and so La Bella was born

I have been a therapist/counsellor for many years, supporting young people and adults (Where the chocolate therapy comes in) Over the past few months I have been slowly stepping back from my therapy work to spend time developing my love of chocolate and building La Bella Chocolate. I love experimenting with flavours and plan to bring this to my chocolate. All my ingredients and flavours are natural with no hidden nasties and using only the best sourced chocolate for the best chocolate every.

My packaging will be (as much as I can) biodegradable and eco friendly. 

My love and years of working with children and young people will stay with me as I plan (when we are back to normal!!) to build my fun chocolate workshops for children and young people and my chocolate therapy programs.

My transition into chocolate making made sense because as a therapist I supported people to feel happier. I am still doing this, just in a slightly different most lovely way.

So I hope you enjoy all of my lovely chocolate creations and flavours and I look forward to bringing you my chocolate informative future blogs. Bringing lots of fun and all things chocolatey for all of you chocoholics.