Artisan Chocolates Chocolate Gifts Online


Artisan Chocolates Chocolate Gifts Online


Artisan Chocolates Chocolate Gifts Online



Children & Young People Counselling

Counselling & Hypnotherpy

Edible Chocolate Art


Hi, thank you for looking around. I hope you find what you are looking for.

I'm Jayne and I am a therapist offering counselling in Widnes, Halton and  Merseyside.

My therapy practice has taken me on an amazing journey over the past 15 years, allowing me to support and be a part of so many people's journey's, young and old. 

My therapy journey started 18 years ago when I lost my Grandad, this was my first experience of losing someone who was very dear to me. My Grandad impacted my life in so many amazing ways, he was an inspiring male role model in my life and one that continues to touch my life to this day.

The impact of losing my Grandad was one that took me on an emotional roller coaster of a ride, a loss that I was not emotionally prepared for. My Grandad's passing took me to bereavement therapy. My therapy experience was a positive one, but unexpectedly it also opened up a whole lot of childhood and teenage negative life experiences and unresolved emotions that had been locked away for some time linked to my dad  (a figure that left the family home when I was 6 and was never really involved in mine or my brothers life in any positive way and is also know longer with us!)  an unhealty physical and emotional abusive relationship and some other negative life experiences. Being brought up in a single parent family by my amazing mum has stood me in good sted! Not knowing later in life I would experience and have to navigate too being a single mum!!  Going deeper and healing from my younger days has been a journey for me, having to go to emotional places and experiences I would rather not, but also opening myself up to the process of therapy and counselling has most definetely had a positive impact in my counselling profession. Having an insight into the process of therapy, the tough feelings, blocks and fear that can be connected to reaching out for support and going through the journey to come out the other end!

Through fate I suppose I came away from this grief support being led to signing up for a counselling skills course, which then led me to continue my therapy training and yes 18 years later, here I am still on my therapy journey and still supporting adults and young people to sit along side them, to support them through hurt and trauma, to give hope and enable healing.

I have a holistic approach and connect with each and every one I work with on different levels. Your counselling journey is unique to you, and I offer a calm and safe space to guid you to explore, understand and heal from whatever it is that you have experienced in your life and going through at this moment in time.

I have 13 years' experience counselling children, young people, and teenagers, both in my private practice and in primary and secondary schools.

I am a creative soul myself, which influences my counselling work with young people and working creatively with them through lots of wonderful creative ways. Working creatively over the years with children has given me the insight into the powerful impact it has on a child's mind. Supporting them through, art, drawing, writing, music, movement, relaxation, breathing techniques and of course now being able to bring the chocolate element too!

I am flexible in my approach and offer open ended counselling support, both face to face and via remote online through Zoom therapy support.

I allow a space for you to feel safe and in control by guiding you to take small steps to enable change for a positive brighter future.

How to take that first step in reaching out - Have a look around my website, read some testimonails, have a look over some of my blog posts in your own time and then send me a message or give me a call 07757711056 to have an informal chat about how I can support you or your child through counselling or hypnotherapy.





Chocolate Art

Edible Chocolate Art. All hand painted by me with yummy chocolate and every bit edible. A unique chocolate gift for birthday's, anniversaries, weddings, valentines day, mothers day and fathers day, or anyother occasion!!

My chocolate art range includes -

Pop Art, Portraits, Pets and Animals, Special Memory Images, Football Personalities and any Football Images, Famous Personalities, Marvel and Disney Characters.




“This room and your voice makes me smile, you are very calming. Everything about you and my sessions with you makes me super happy, because you are the most safest, caring person ever. Thank you.”

“Jayne and her services came highly recommended to me and my son in the beginning by a friend. We were at a point when help or support was not available for months. My son was truly struggling with the loss of his father and we were both at breaking point."

“Over the past few years we have returned to Jayne for counselling because of the positive impact the sessions bring to our lives; for example how to deal with grief, support with self-confidence, dealing with relaxation, the transition into high school but to name a few, but most of all the kind friendship and shoulder that Jane offers to Ben in a safe warm environment where he can share his troubles."

“We have found the experience as a family warm, supportive, positive and one that we will not hesitate to return to in future and would also highly recommend to others. Thank you Jayne.”

Edible Chocoalte Art!...

Many of you may know that when Covid hit, so was my therapy practice! I was forced to take a step back and although we were all sent in to a crazy world and surreal time, it allowed me to slow down and reflect and think about were I was going to take my therapy practice and what it was going to look like in the future. I am a arty, creative soul myself and in this time I was able to connect to my creative self. It was so nice to be able to be creative in the kitchen. I started experimenting with chocolate! I loved it and so did many of my family and friends. I seemed to be a natural and so I created some yummy chocolate treats and started selling a small chocolate range. As time went on I started, just for fun painting with chocolate. Yes I know, how cool! Edible chocolate art that you can eat. I have created some great chocolate art pieces for customers such as Pop Art, including John Lennon, Amy Winehouse, Michael Buble and Lloyd Cole!  Portraits, Pets and Animals, Football Legends, Special Memory Images and many Famous Personalities.

All hand painted by me, with yummy chocolate and every bit edible!

I have been told I have created something unique, a unigue chocolate gift for any occasion - Something different for all of those chocolate lovers and chocoholics! Please do take a  look at my chocolate art pieces and do send me a message with any enquiries -

And..... Facebook and Instagram If you would like to keep posted about my fab chocolate art and my yummy chocolate treats!





My counselling and hypnotherapy support and where to find me.....

I work from home in a welcoming warm setting, within the Halebank and Widnes area. My counselling and hypnotherapy support is accessable to the surrounding areas of Widnes, Halton, St Helens, Warrington and Merseyside.

I offer counselling and therapy support through in person face to face and remote online support via zoom.

Contact Me



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